Thursday, December 28, 2006


ok, well i've finally moved over to the new version of blogger, so if something doesn't work, or look right, that's the reason!!

well it's been a busy time lately, and i've completely forgotten to update the blog! useless i know:)

work is dead.. literally, no students, no lecturers, and no work for me. my colleague and i are getting hacked off with it. it's a waste of time being there. i could literally have not been in the lasy couple of weeks and it wouldn't have made a difference.

that and combined with a new pay framework/scale structure coming out in january, a reorganisation of our faculty, and seemingly new jobs doing the same thing as us it's all a bit up in the air at themoment. tensions were high last week. and more than a few worried people and tears. management communication crap as usual!

christmas was good. just DH and i and the dogs. no stress, no traveling, no binge eating or drinking:)

have been finishing a few scrapping projects, and trying to dedicate some time to another project i need to do for january.
Plans for the crop next year are not going well. I'm not having a good time communicating with the people who book the room. it's all rather silly, and i cannot be doing with the hassle and stress of dealing with childish people. So i guess i've got to find somewhere else to hold it. Don't want to not meet up with the girls each month. we have a nice little group now, and have fun each month, we just need somewhere nice to hold it!!

anyway, off to get a hot drink.. it's freezing here at the moment!

1 comment:

Cath said...

Happy new year sweetie. Hoping that your job improves soon babes!