Thursday, September 14, 2006

time flies and so will I!

blimey, a week gone by, and no blogging! it's just been one of those mad weeks at work, preparing for all the yummy new freshers to enrol on Monday. it's going to be hectic next week, but will be nice to welcome a whole load of new students in!

i've had some lovely news.. but i am going to wait for proper confirmation before celebrating too much.. don't worry, i'm not going to be bringing any offspring into the world just yet.. but its fun news for me!

tomorrow i have a wedding to go to. so an early start for us. looking forward to it, but lots of driving for DH. feels very odd with the dogs in kennels tonight.. very empty.. i don't like it!

okily dokily, need some sleep before i get dragged out of bed at some unearthly hour!


Suzanne said...

Woo hoo Kathryn on your special and wonderful news! Lucky lucky you. I will try not to get too jealous when you bring the brochures in :)

Cath said...

Enjoy your wedding babes and looking forward to hearing your news!