can't believe another week has whizzed by -
Another busy time at work - still covering everyone else's jobs but my own it seems. Highlight of the week was a hysterically funny 'Health and Wellbeing' presentation. which was not meant to be funny in the slightest - oh well, i'll have to remember how funny it is when we've all been cautioned because our 'Sickness Absence Value' is too high ( seriously, who come up with this rubbish??)
I've actually managed to get a huge amount of work done on my family history stuff - a whole evening of sorting certificates, updating family trees online, and searching the new 1911 census that's just been released.
Also managed to get to the Dr to try and sort something out about my back - v painful coccyx - had it for years, but somethings aggrevated it again, and it makes sitting down incredibly painful.
not good when you work all day in an office!
she was very nice, and has referred me for physio - don't think it'll so a blind bit of difference, but what can you do - just have to do this, and then go back if no better..
also managed to make a few birthday cards - digging out some of my older craft stuff and finally make use of it ( rather than just looking at it!!)
We went up to the community allotment for the first time in ages today. It's a shame, we used to go most weekends, and then we moved, so it was more difficult to get there, espesh when DH is out playing golf during the summer. But we've agreed to help next week as well, and hopefully the exercise, fresh air etc will be good for us.
better check what DH is doing with the roast beef - :)
Very nice too!!!
Lovely- although I'm miffed cause you've used LESS yellow than I did *pouts* :O)
Another great take on the challenge.
Aww Kathryn, sorry your back is hurting so much again. I hope something can be done to ease the pain.
Lovely card btw, love how you have done the stems on all the flowers.
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